How to Use Support Portal (1)
Simple and easy to use guide on How to raise a ticket using Transcelestial Support Portal.
Training and Technical Support (3)
Find out how to get access to training resources and where to go to get assistance when you need it!
Product Documentation (4)
Documentation related to all Transcelestial products like CENTAURI.
Frequently Asked Questions (8)
FAQs category
What are the basic mounting installation requirements for Centauri?
What is the laser passcode on the Centauri?
Can I mount multiple Centauri devices on a single pole?
What is the annual expected rate of rainfall in different rain zones around the world?
What is CENTAURI's availability over distance in different rain zones?
How do birds or other objects impact CENTAURI operation?
Can CENTAURI be accessed, configured and managed remotely?
CENTAURI Connectivity Requirements
CENTAURI | Monitoring with SNMP Proxy
CENTAURI mechanical specifications | Size, weight, and more
What is the Operational Range of Transcelestial Centauri?
What is the minimum distance allowed between Transcelestial’s Centauri 1/10G devices, when linked?
CENTAURI Product Safety Certifications
CENTAURI Safety Precautions for Deployment
CENTAURI Laser Safety Summary
Legal Notices (2)
Important documents related to Transcelestial product warranty and general terms and conditions of our products and services.